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Japanese Toilet part 2 / 日本のトイレ その2 

Updated: Nov 23, 2021

Since the introduction of the electronic bidet system in 1980 by TOTO (not a rock band. It’s a name of a Japanese ceramic company), the use rate has been steadily rising in Japan, and now 80% of the Japanese households have it. Interestingly, the same trend did not happen in the US despite the availability of the same products. I’m not sure what makes this system an essential item in Japan and not in the US. It might be an interesting research subject to figure that out.

The core feature of the electronic bidet toilet is an extendable nozzle that discharges water, which comes with all levels of toilet systems. Additional features such as water temperature and pressure control, nozzle position control, seat temperature control, and air dryer strength and its temperature control, vary depending on the product class. The most advanced one would greet you by opening its lid automatically when you enter the bathroom. Once you sit, it releases a small amount of water to simulate the sound of a brook that could help you relax to do your business. At the same time, an air purifier starts sucking in the air beneath your buttocks to minimize odor. A control panel normally is located right by the toilet; however, a panel for the toilet with more elaborate functions can be separately attached on the wall. Before you stare and are bewildered by a control panel loaded with emoji buttons, let me give you some good news. You have an option to ignore the panel and use a conventional roll of toilet paper and conventional handle to flush. Who knows what awaits in the future? Perhaps, a control panel can be replaced by voice activation, but that may not work well in the public bathroom.

japanese bidet toilet, control panel, TOTO, 洗浄便座

会話 初級 中級

A: 昨日(きのう)、TOTOの新(あたら)しいウォシュレットを買(か)いました。

B: そうですか。どうして新しいを買ったですか?

A: 温水(おんすい)が出るが欲(ほし)しかったんです。

B: そうですよね。温水は気持(きもち)ちがいいですからね。どこで買いましたか? 

A: 通販(つうはん)で買いました。店で買うより安(やす)かったから

B: そうですか。いつ届(とど)きますか?

A: 来週(らいしゅう)の週末(しゅうまつ)までに届く思(おもう)います。

B: 楽(たの)しみですね。

A: はい。とても楽しみです。


ん   learn the use of “ん”. Plain form verb+ん  it’s an emphasis and used often in speaking Japanese.

の This の is to create a noun phrase

気持(きもち)ちがいい feels good.

通販(つうはん) mail order

届(とど)く arrive v. compare with 届(とど)ける

と a particle to refer things/phrases that come before と

楽しみ       n. “looking forward”

会話 中級

A: 洗浄便座(せんじょうべんざ)を買(か)いたいんだけど、どこのがいいかなあ

B: そりゃ、TOTOのが一番(いちばん)いいだろう

A: でも、TOTOの製品(せいひん)は高(こう)いんだよなあ。

B: いい製品は長持(ながもち)ちするからTOTOにした方がいいと思うよ。

A: そうだな。じゃあ、TOTOにしよう。どこで買うのが一番(いちばん)安(やす)いかなあ。

B: アキバに行(い)けよ。安い家電製品(かでんせいひん)が見(み)つかるよ。

A: じゃあ そうしよう。一緒(いっしょ)に行ってくれる

B: いつ?週内(しゅうない)は忙(いそが)しいけど、週末(しゅうまつ)なら大丈夫(だいじょうぶ)だよ。

A: 土曜日(どようひ)の午後1時(ごごいちじ)に僕(ぼく)のうちでどう

B: OK.


洗浄便座(せんじょうべんざ) an electric bidet seat

かなあ     I wonder

製品(せいひん) product

だろう (I think) probably

長持(ながも)ちする last long

アキバ a shortened nickname of 秋葉原(あきはばら) 

家電製品(かでんせいひん) home appliances

見(み)つかる  be able to find / *note: not an able for of 見 (み)つける 

いっしょに行(い)ってくれる てform + くれる=requesting favor. (Would you do me a favor) by going with me.

週内(しゅうない) weekdays

けど けど・けれど = but

でどう? 〜で+どう How about ~

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