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Valentine's Day

Updated: Nov 23, 2021

In the Western culture on Valentine’s Day, husbands and wives (or boyfriends and girlfriends) present chocolates and roses to their significant others to express their love. In Japan, it is a day to confess love. Traditionally, girls are the ones who confess their love interest to the boys. Sexual equality is slow in Japan compared to the Western society, and as to the confession of love, overwhelming majority would be initiated by men; however, on Valentine’s Day, females are given entitlement to initiate the confession. I must research further to understand when this tradition began, but it must have been around the mid 1900s. There is no religious meaning attached to the day. It is simply a day to confess love directly to his/her love interest. For this special occasion, stores make large amounts of chocolate. It is also common for the confessors to make homemade chocolates. The chocolates exchanged without confession of love is called “giri-choco”, meaning obligatory chocolates. They were exchanged among friends and office colleagues as a symbol of friendship or respect. The love interest or giri-chocho recipients of Valentine chocolate are given the opportunity to respond a month later (March 14th) by returning white chocolate.




告白(こくはく)する  告白される



いれば conditional of いる

翌月(よくげつ) compare with 来月(らいげつ)

お返(かえ)し noun usage of返す


交換(こうかん)する  交換される 


A: 京子(きょうこ)からチョコレートをもらっちゃったよ。

B: ほんと(う)? あの子、お前(おまえ)のことが好きだったんだ。で、お前はどうなんだ? 彼女(かのじょ)のこと、どう思って(い)るんだ? 気があるのか?

A: うーん、考(かんが)えた事がないんだよな〜。 

B: 考えた事がない? 何を? 

A: 女性を好きだとか、嫌(嫌い)いだとか。 あまり興味(きょうみ)がないんだよ。

B: そうかーっ。じゃあ、京子にどう返事をするんだ?  

A: うーん。ホワイトデーまであと1ヶ月あるから、それまでに考えるよ。

B: モテる男はつらいな。


どう どうなんだ

気がある 気がない




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